What’s Next


What's Next?

You have completed your 8 week onboarding session with ProjectMe™️! We pride ourselves on guiding you to LONG TERM results... so let's discuss what is next for you!


Fill out this quick form and your coach will contact you to get you set up for your next steps!

    Remember to be eligible for the NEXT LEVEL and any prizes or photoshoots you must be on a full ProjectMe™️ Nutrition Package.
  • ProjectMe™️ Next Level and Photoshoot Requirements

    If you would like to be eligible for the photoshoots, please fill out the remainder of this form. If not, skip to the bottom:
    In order to be eligible, you must check off all boxes (except the bottom box which is for Next Level)

    Check out some of our other success stories below. We can definitely help you get where you want to go with the support of 100's of other Me's on their journey with you.

    Check out some of the hotshots from some of our Me's after their fantastic weight loss. We love showing off their results!